Jasmine Flowers for Medicines Helpful Herbals

Tuesday, November 6, 20120 comments

Jasmine Flower As Traditional Materials To Treat Dengue Fever. Besides being used as wedding decorations or as a mixture of tea, jasmine is also useful for various purposes. Chemical Constituents in the flowers and leaves as indole, benzyl, livalylacetaat, proven effective for :
  1. Stop the Excessive Milk out Way, take a handful of jasmine leaf, finely crushed, then stick around the breasts, every morning before bathing.
  2. Eye pain Mild eye disease such as red eye or Irritation Belek, can be Overcome with a handful of leaves of jasmine. Way, take a handful of jasmine leaf, finely crushed, then paste on the forehead. When it dries replace with new. Repeat until cured.
  3. Swelling bee attack Way, take a handful of jasmine flowers, Knead until smooth, then stick on the bee sting.
  4. Fever and Headache Take one Handful of Leaves and 10 Jasmine flowers. Mix all ingredients, Knead by hand, then soaked with water in a basket. How to use it, water immersion is used to compress the forehead.
  5. Dengue Fever. Boil 7 pieces of leaves of jasmine and 1:25 grams of star fruit in 250 ml of water up to 1 cup water. Once cool, strain and Drinks in Patients with dengue fever. Perform 3 consecutive days with a dose of 8 glasses per day.
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